Painting your home can give a fresh look , add to the appearance of youth , providing much needed protection , and even made. Dynamic Changes But before you go handle brushes and rollers , you get a little more familiar with How Much Does it Cost to Paint a House?.
Typical Cost of House Painting
Simply paint : If you have a 3500 square foot house , 20 gallons or more is required to get the job done paint. That's assuming that one gallon of paint will usually cover about 350 square meters , and that the quality of the paint job consists of two layers of paint. Taking that into consideration , a good paint costs between $ 15 and $ 30 per gallon , and very high-end paint costs about $ 35 - $ 75 per gallon. So , depending on the quality of paint you choose , costs as little as $ 300 or as much as $ 1,500 for the paint on the size of the house.
Painting work : This is part of a job painting houses carry the most weight on the price tag. Professional painters usually charge $ 1,500 - $ 3,000 for an average one-story house painting. However , if your home is up to 3,500 square feet with a few levels , you can expect to pay $ 5,500 or more for exterior painting jobs. Keep in mind that the job often includes all preparatory work as power washing , caulking , sanding , and more , plus materials for preparatory work to be done.
Do it yourself : Painting your home can be a challenging and messy , but fun , task , and many homeowners enjoy the money they save to do it themselves.
Low - End Estimate for Exterior House Painting
Just paint : about $ 300 for an average 3,500 square foot house.
Paint and Labor to paint more than $ 1800 for a 3500 square foot home.
High-End Estimate for Exterior House Painting
Just paint : Approximately $ 1,500 for an average 3,500 square foot house.
Paint and labor : about $ 7,000 to paint 3500 square foot home.
What will happen
Materials : paint , primer , brushes , rollers , roller handle , paint , buckets , drop cloths , paint pot , caulk , tape , sandpaper , scrapers
Timing : From the beginning of the preparation work for the end result , the paint job usually takes about one week to complete , much longer for the larger story , or more complex. Regarding the frequency of painting , on average , the house should be painted over every 5-7 years - less for low quality paint , paint quality is higher.
Mess : Of course. But the fabric is usually used to protect against drops and spills. Areas such as patios, terraces and driveways
Any costs for the Cat House
Pressure Washer : It is often the tool of choice to clean the outside of the house and loose and flaking paint during cooking. You can get a good buy for a few hundred dollars or rented for $ 50 - $ 100 per day. Pro Painting will usually include the cost pressure washer cost them in their work.
Siding damage : If all areas of your siding is damaged or rotten , they need to be repaired and ready for painting. The same goes for loose or damaged fascia , soffits , and trim. Depending on the extent of damage , the cost will vary and the overall cost of painting the house.
Limitations : This is not a cost , but it is advisable to check and see if the HOA or historic district has a limitation or restriction on certain colors. Go bold if you want, but do not risk problems.
Typical Cost of House Painting
Simply paint : If you have a 3500 square foot house , 20 gallons or more is required to get the job done paint. That's assuming that one gallon of paint will usually cover about 350 square meters , and that the quality of the paint job consists of two layers of paint. Taking that into consideration , a good paint costs between $ 15 and $ 30 per gallon , and very high-end paint costs about $ 35 - $ 75 per gallon. So , depending on the quality of paint you choose , costs as little as $ 300 or as much as $ 1,500 for the paint on the size of the house.
Painting work : This is part of a job painting houses carry the most weight on the price tag. Professional painters usually charge $ 1,500 - $ 3,000 for an average one-story house painting. However , if your home is up to 3,500 square feet with a few levels , you can expect to pay $ 5,500 or more for exterior painting jobs. Keep in mind that the job often includes all preparatory work as power washing , caulking , sanding , and more , plus materials for preparatory work to be done.
Do it yourself : Painting your home can be a challenging and messy , but fun , task , and many homeowners enjoy the money they save to do it themselves.
Low - End Estimate for Exterior House Painting
Just paint : about $ 300 for an average 3,500 square foot house.
Paint and Labor to paint more than $ 1800 for a 3500 square foot home.
High-End Estimate for Exterior House Painting
Just paint : Approximately $ 1,500 for an average 3,500 square foot house.
Paint and labor : about $ 7,000 to paint 3500 square foot home.
What will happen
Materials : paint , primer , brushes , rollers , roller handle , paint , buckets , drop cloths , paint pot , caulk , tape , sandpaper , scrapers
Timing : From the beginning of the preparation work for the end result , the paint job usually takes about one week to complete , much longer for the larger story , or more complex. Regarding the frequency of painting , on average , the house should be painted over every 5-7 years - less for low quality paint , paint quality is higher.
Mess : Of course. But the fabric is usually used to protect against drops and spills. Areas such as patios, terraces and driveways
Any costs for the Cat House
Pressure Washer : It is often the tool of choice to clean the outside of the house and loose and flaking paint during cooking. You can get a good buy for a few hundred dollars or rented for $ 50 - $ 100 per day. Pro Painting will usually include the cost pressure washer cost them in their work.
Siding damage : If all areas of your siding is damaged or rotten , they need to be repaired and ready for painting. The same goes for loose or damaged fascia , soffits , and trim. Depending on the extent of damage , the cost will vary and the overall cost of painting the house.
Limitations : This is not a cost , but it is advisable to check and see if the HOA or historic district has a limitation or restriction on certain colors. Go bold if you want, but do not risk problems.